Windows cant read the disk - HTNO

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12 godina
Windows cant read the disk - HITNO

Pozdrav. Evo ubacim prazni CD-R i izbaci poruku da nemoze procitati disk i da kao treba formatirat. Kako to rješiti? Laptop je u pitanju i windows 10.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 23.6.2019 19:43 (i7 extreme).
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16 godina
Re: Windows cant read the disk - HITNO
i7 extreme kaže...

Pozdrav. Evo ubacim prazni CD-R i izbaci poruku da nemoze procitati disk i da kao treba formatirat. Kako to rješiti? Laptop je u pitanju i windows 10.

A što bi ti htio da se dogodi?

So if God has existed forever, you know, what did he do in his spare time? Like, before he made the Earth and everything?
12 godina
Windows cant read the disk - HTNO

Pa kako cu spržit pjesme na njega? Prije bi ih samo kopirao unutra i BURN a sad nemoš uć

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 23.6.2019 20:35 (i7 extreme).
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16 godina
Re: Windows cant read the disk - HTNO
i7 extreme kaže...

Pa kako cu spržit pjesme na njega? Prije bi ih samo kopirao unutra i BURN a sad nemoš uć

Prije čega?
Enivej, uzmi neki besplatni program za snimanje i snimi sa njim.
A što se desi ako samo nabaciš fajlove na ikonu CDRWa?

So if God has existed forever, you know, what did he do in his spare time? Like, before he made the Earth and everything?
12 godina
Re: Windows cant read the disk - HTNO

Ma prije zadnjeg pokusava presnimavanja, iso sam stopirat i zasralo se nesto. Nista se ne događa.

16 godina
Re: Windows cant read the disk - HTNO
i7 extreme kaže...

Ma prije zadnjeg pokusava presnimavanja, iso sam stopirat i zasralo se nesto. Nista se ne događa.

 Probao si ovo?:


As a solution, first go to the "Settings" option in the Windows "Start Menu" and then select "Settings" and then "System." Look for the "Default Apps" option on the left column and select it. Scroll to the bottom of the results on the right and select the "Set defaults by app" option. Scroll down the left column of the results and find and select "Windows Disk Image Burner." On the right side, click on the "Set this program as default." Remove from the burner the CD-R or DVD-R you were trying to use before and replace it with a new one. Now try the Windows File Explorer burner again. Hope this helps...happy computing! : > )

So if God has existed forever, you know, what did he do in his spare time? Like, before he made the Earth and everything?
12 godina
Windows cant read the disk - HTNO

Evo upravo sam riješio. Hvala ti :)

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