lzgr ned 21.2.2010 13:19

Dakle imam problem sa hardware wizardom.Svaki puta kada npr. priključim miš ili tipkovnicu na drugi utor pojavi mi se onaj wizard umjesto da ga instalira sam automatski.Tako je i sa svim drugim USB uređajima.Pa kada npr. odnesem PC na servis i vratim ga kući priključim tipkovnicu na drugi utor oče da klikam next a ne mogu.Kako da riješim taj problem ?!?http://www.bug.hr/d.tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cry.gifhttp://www.bug.hr/d.tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cry.gif

mbc čet 18.3.2010 00:18

Ne da mi se prevodit, pa samo kopiram citat sa drugog foruma:


"XP comes with drivers for USB mass storage. If it asks for drivers then it has forgotten where they are...
Start the Registry Editor (Run -> Regedit). Check if under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion the item 'DevicePath' points to '%SystemRoot%\inf'. Additional items, separated by semikolons, are ok but '%SystemRoot%\inf' has to be one of them.
Then delete the file C:\WINDOWS\inf\infcache.1 - XP will recreate it.
The INF folder and the infcache.1 file are 'hidden'. To see them in the Windows Explorer:
Menu 'Tools' -> 'Folder Options'
Tab 'View', mark 'show hidden files and folders'
If it still doesn't work after a restart, the files in C:\WINDOWS\inf might be corrupt. An Windows repair install helps then.

Another thing to check is if the values 'FactoryPreInstallInProgress' and 'AuditInProgress' are set to '1' under
. They should be 0 or non present."