Tsar čet 19.5.2011 21:08




Bohemia Interactive announces the brand new installment in its hugely successful realistic military simulator series
This announcement is the outcome of the recent mind games (the "hacks") BIS has been playing with the community.
You can visit the official Arma 3 website here.

Quote :
Prague, Czech Republic 19th May
- Bohemia Interactive, the award-winning independent Czech development studio, is pleased to announce the development of Arma 3, the brand new installment in its series of critically acclaimed realistic military simulators.
Combining over 10 years of experience, building upon the strength of its predecessors, and set in the most detailed environment of the series to date, Arma 3 offers gamers radical engine improvements and a unique sandbox-style military gameplay experience.
The next chapter of this stunning military simulation game is scheduled for release exclusively for PC in Summer 2012.

Survive in the rich & authentic environment
Adapt to the unsurpassed experience of modern ground combat
Win in the open-ended & story-driven campaign

After years of intense warfare against Eastern armies, Europe has become the last stand for the battered NATO forces. On the verge of being driven into the sea, NATO command embarks upon a most desperate measure. In the hope of seizing what seems to be a well-guarded military secret, Operation Magnitude is launched. A small group of Special Forces and Researchers are sent to a Mediterranean island deep behind enemy lines. However, the mission is compromised and the task force destroyed, leaving Cpt. Scott Miller washed ashore upon the hostile island. In his effort to carry out the mission, he will face the dangers of modern warfare, an unforgiving environment, and the consequences of his own decisions...

Bohemia Interactive´s CEO, Marek Spanel, explains: ''We're happy to bring the next generation of the Real Virtuality engine to life. The increased potential of the engine should allow Arma 3 to become our best-looking, most detailed and innovative military simulation game to date.''

Ivan Buchta, Creative Director of Arma 3, adds: ''Our ambition is not only to deliver the next generation of Arma with the improved engine, but also to fully exploit the potential of our new technology in the gameplay. You can look forward to the unique experience of blending sandbox-style combat with a rich story.''

Arma 3 will be featured in private presentations at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) June 7th-9th.

Key features:
Single-Player Campaign - Evolve from a lone prey into a military commander in the open-ended & story-driven campaign.
Vehicles & Weapons – Control a multitude of aircraft, vehicles and ships with accurate simulation; shoot anything from pistols to sophisticated weapon platforms.
Physical Simulation & Improved Animations – Take advantage of PhysX™ supported vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system.
Rich & Authentic Environment – Explore an unsurpassed military combat experience set on an authentic Mediterranean island modelled from real geographic data.
Multiplayer Gameplay – Experience both cooperative & competitive scenarios with the full support of dedicated servers for both Windows and Linux.
Completely Extensible & Moddable - Design & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor.
Customizable Soldier Load - Choose your uniform; assemble your weapon kit; change your load-out; get loaded up.

Feel free to leave your thoughts, ideas and feedback about this very interesting news on our forums.

Source: www.bistudio.com

ARMA 3 Fact Sheet
Arma 3, the latest installment of the tactical military simulation game from independent developers Bohemia Interactive, creators of the award-winning mil-sim series Arma.

After years of intense warfare against Eastern armies, Europe has become the last stand for the battered NATO forces. On the verge of being driven into the sea, NATO command embarks upon a most desperate measure. In the hope of seizing what seems to be a well-guarded military secret, Operation Magnitude is launched. A small group of Special Forces and Researchers are sent to a Mediterranean island deep behind enemy lines. However, the mission is compromised and the task force destroyed, leaving Cpt. Scott Miller washed ashore upon the hostile island. In his effort to carry out the mission, he will face the dangers of modern warfare, an unforgiving environment, and the consequences of his own decisions...

Survive in the rich & authentic environment
Adapt to the unsurpassed experience of modern ground combat
Win in the open-ended & story-driven campaign

Combining the strength of its predecessors with radical engine improvements, Arma 3 provides a unique experience of sandbox-oriented combat gameplay in the most detailed environment of the series.

Key features:
Single-Player Campaign - Evolve from a lone prey into a military commander in the open-ended & story-driven campaign.
Vehicles & Weapons – Control a multitude of aircraft, vehicles and ships with accurate simulation; shoot anything from pistols to sophisticated weapon platforms.
Physical Simulation & Improved Animations – Take advantage of PhysX™ supported vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system.
Rich & Authentic Environment – Explore an unsurpassed military combat experience set on an authentic Mediterranean island modelled from real geographic data.
Multiplayer Gameplay – Experience both cooperative & competitive scenarios with the full support of dedicated servers for both Windows and Linux.
Completely Extensible & Moddable - Design & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor.
Customizable Soldier Load - Choose your uniform; assemble your weapon kit; change your load-out; get loaded up.

Product Info:
Title - Arma 3
Developer - Bohemia Interactive
Target platform/Platform - PC
Publisher - Bohemia Interactive
Release date - Summer 2012
Website - www.arma3.com

Social Networking:

Estimated System Requirements:
OS - Windows 7 / Vista
CPU - Intel Core i5 or AMD Athlon Phenom X4 or faster
GPU - Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770, shader Model 3 and 896 MB VRAM, or faster
RAM - 2 GB
HDD - 15 GB free space
DVD - Dual Layer compatible
DirectX® - 10


   Single-Player Campaign Evolve from a lone prey into a military commander in the open-ended & story-driven campaign.
   Vehicles & WeaponsControl multitude of aircraft, vehicles and ships with the accurate simulation, shoot from anything from pistols to the sophisticated weapon platforms.
   Customizable Soldier LoadChoose your uniform, assemble your weapon kit, change your loadout, get encumbered.
   Physical simulation & improved animationsTake advantage of PhysX™ supporting the vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system.
   Rich & authentic environmentExplore the unsurpassed modern ground combat experience set on the authentic Mediterranean island modeled from the real geographic data.
   Multiplayer GameplayChallenge both cooperative & competitive scenarios with full support of dedicated servers for both Windows and Linux.
   Completely Extensible & ModdableDesign & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor.


























Minoza čet 9.6.2011 18:16

Gameplay sa E3:




Još je u ranoj fazi razvoja ali već sada sam impresioniran! Ronjenje izgleda zakon, sviđa mi se rag-doll sistem, definitivno dobar potez jer bez obzira kako ispadne (a vjerujem da će ispasti odlično), mislim da je sve bolje od trenutnih "kamenih" tijela i predefiniranih animacija koje uglavnom izgledaju neuvjerljivo, odnosno uopće ne odgovaraju situaciji, pogotovo kada su u pitanju ekspolozije. Lijepo je vidjeti i novu fiziku za vozila. Kažem, sve je to još u vrlo ranoj fazi ali sviđa mi se to što za sada vidim. Veliki plus je i otvorenost BIS-a prema community-u, što je do sada uvelike doprinjelo razvoju ovog serijala.



Minoza sub 16.7.2011 15:23
Ranko Kukumar kaže...

Dečki jeli ima ovdje na bugu itko tko će osim mene napraviti 100% preorder? Minoza?


Ja definitivno radim preorder. Nadam se da bude interesa ovdje na forumu. Vidim da se dosta ekipe zagrijalo zbog free verzije.

Ranko Kukumar čet 18.8.2011 14:23

Potvrđeno je nekoliko detalja:


Underwater Ops (2)
Volumetric clouds
All the buildings on Lemnos can be entered and are destructible .
Weapon modification on the fly is now possible.
The net code is being optimized. Ivan said more players that on OA should be possible.
RTT ( render to texture ) is confirmed.
3D editor is confirmed.
Action menus will be improved
Helicopter sounds will be on par with the ones in TOH.
Arma 3 will include the TOH flight model , but not in the main campaign .
The Mk8 SDV will have a periscope .
The player will be able to attach explosive charges to enemy boats.
The player will be able to remotely operate mortars .
Helmet mounted cameras
Tanks with railguns
Objects like tactical vests will have weight and different carrying capacits.
Headgear will offer different levels of projectile protection.
The game will feature more powerful sounds , similar to popular sound mods.
PvP will be improved.
Improved wounding system ( no specifics for now )
Improved MP interface
Improved command interface
The player will be able to wear civilian clothes


Što se tehničkog djela tiče, kruže glasine da je Real Virtuality 4 jako puno napredovao u odnosu na trojku, i igra će podržavati samo DX10/DX11. Fizikalno engine je bačen u smeće i napisan potpuno iznova i za sada se koristi nVIDIA PhysX kao fizikalni engine, ali vrlo vjerovatno je da neće biti GPU akceleracije.


Igra će biti bolesna, izlazi za sada 5./6. mjesec iduće godine, a za maksimalne detalje će vrlo vjerovatno trebati jako računalo tako da spremite konfe.

rustweaver pon 22.8.2011 22:53
Ranko Kukumar kaže...

Kaj nitko ne prati razvoj osim mene? Novi skrinsi su vani!.

Pratim ja, ali sve potrebne info sa njihovog foruma dobijem. Sto ipak letni model iz TOH ide i u armu? Znam da je bilo rasprave o tome, ali u trenutku kad sam ja citao nista jos nije bilo potvrdeno.

Minoza uto 23.8.2011 06:54

Pratim pratim {#}


Samo eto ništa ne postam ovdje kad znam da ti budeš{#} Da, letni model iz ToH-a će biti uključen u Armu 3, s tim da ga neće biti u SP kampanji već će biti opcionalan za server.

rustweaver uto 23.8.2011 14:32

Super, nema veze za kampanju to je ionako samo zagrijavanje za MP :D


btw. ovi volumetricki oblaci su me totalno oborili s nogu. Izgledaju super na slikama, ali u onom videu, kada ih se vidi u pokretu, izgledaju gotovo fotorealisticno... Nema vise skyboxova.

Minoza uto 23.8.2011 14:50

Mene isto impresioniraju oblaci, stvarno odlično izgledaju, kad samo pomislim da je to sve u ranom stadiju i da nas dijeli još godinu dana...


Jako me razveselilo to sa ToH letnim modelom, obožavam letjeti u Armi i malo veći izazov će mi baš sjesti kako treba.

ZC_Someone uto 23.8.2011 23:19
shady1024 kaže...

Ne brine me grafička u ARMA-i nego procesor,pošto je zadnji nastavak trošio ogromne resurse na to.

A i kao što sam rekao,brine me optimizacija a ne minimalna konfiguracija, ima razilke... {#}

Pa budući da imaš dualca nekako mi se čini da bi mogao imati problema da baš i bude optimizirana. Pogotovo jer najavljuju poboljšanu fiziku i sl. stvari.

Ranko Kukumar sri 16.11.2011 20:15
ZC_Someone kaže...

Koliko vidim ovog videa nema u temi. Pa evo 15min uživancije, bar je meni bilo :)



  Da, izgleda solidno ajmo reći. Sviđaju mi se ragdoll animacije nove, i povratak tradicionalnoj ARMA koncepciji setinga (šumoviti okoliš, zelenilo, i nekako više-manje tmuran teren, Arrowhead je bilo dosta drugačija promjena - Pustinja). Grafika za sada izgleda nešto bolje od ARME 2, iako ništa revolucionarno i mogla bi još bolje izgledati s obzirom da će izaći za kraj 2012. I nadam se da će biti optimziirana, jer je ARMA 2 dan danas loše optimizirana (Arrowhead dosta bolje).


Opet ipak je to ARMA i Bohemia, kako je ovaj lik u videu rekao "Pokušat ćemo napraviti igru pristupačnijoj masi, ali ne na taj način da je poglupimo", nadam se da će to održati do zadnjeg stadija razvoja i da igra neće biti previše poglupljena.