Feudalac ned 21.4.2024 17:03
mr.potter kaže...

Ima samo pet velikih kupaca koji smiju, imaju novaca i znaju što bi s ovim ako kupe : Intel, TSMC, Samsung, Hynix i Micron. Dakle oprema može ići samo u USA, EU, J.Koreja, Japan  i Taiwan.

 Hynix i Micron teško da si to mogu priuštiti. Zaboravio si IBM, oni već neko vrijeme govore da će uložiti 10 milijardi u pogon u Albanyiu a tamo bi i Micron mogao malo učiti ili posuditi strojeve.

mr.potter ned 21.4.2024 21:01
Feudalac kaže...
mr.potter kaže...

Ima samo pet velikih kupaca koji smiju, imaju novaca i znaju što bi s ovim ako kupe : Intel, TSMC, Samsung, Hynix i Micron. Dakle oprema može ići samo u USA, EU, J.Koreja, Japan  i Taiwan.

 Hynix i Micron teško da si to mogu priuštiti. Zaboravio si IBM, oni već neko vrijeme govore da će uložiti 10 milijardi u pogon u Albanyiu a tamo bi i Micron mogao malo učiti ili posuditi strojeve.

teško da su Hynix i Micron sirotnja:


 Hynix 33 milijarde dolara prometa u 2022. god.- citiram:

Dutch photolithography dominator ASML has reached an agreement to build its first-ever offshore research lab, to be located in South Korea in partnership with Samsung.

Announced during a state visit to The Netherlands by South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol, the $750 million facility will work to "develop cutting-edge semiconductor processing technology using next-generation EUV (extreme ultraviolet lithography) equipment." South Korea's other big chipmaker, SK hynix, will work with ASML to reduce EUV machines' energy consumption.


Micron 31 milijarda dolara prometa u 2022. god-citat:In December, an upcoming semiconductor facility run by companies including IBM and Micron was rumored to be getting one of ASML's High NA EUV machines, and it's possible this is where the second-ever one has gone


Dakle ova petorka već ima ili planira EUV litografiju (koju USA smatra strateškom i limitira izvoz). Za IBM, koliko znam, cilj mu je razvoj tehnologija, a ne masovna proizvodnja pa je svoje tvornice prodao GlobalFoundries 2015. i sad se sudski spore. Jedinu tvornicu koju ima je IBM Research semiconductor facility iu Albany, NY.

Feudalac pon 22.4.2024 08:46
mr.potter kaže...


 Hynix 33 milijarde dolara prometa u 2022. god.- citiram:

Dutch photolithography dominator ASML has reached an agreement to build its first-ever offshore research lab, to be located in South Korea in partnership with Samsung.

Announced during a state visit to The Netherlands by South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol, the $750 million facility will work to "develop cutting-edge semiconductor processing technology using next-generation EUV (extreme ultraviolet lithography) equipment." South Korea's other big chipmaker, SK hynix, will work with ASML to reduce EUV machines' energy consumption.


Micron 31 milijarda dolara prometa u 2022. god-citat:In December, an upcoming semiconductor facility run by companies including IBM and Micron was rumored to be getting one of ASML's High NA EUV machines, and it's possible this is where the second-ever one has gone

 Zgodno je kako si izvukao pret pretprošlu godinu, a ladno preskočio 2023 u kojoj su obje firme prikazale poprilične gubitke. Ne spominješ da je Micron blokiran u Kini kao odgovor na američka sranja pa će biti i gore.

mr.potter pon 22.4.2024 08:49
Feudalac kaže...
mr.potter kaže...


Dakle ova petorka već ima ili planira EUV litografiju (koju USA smatra strateškom i limitira izvoz). Za IBM, koliko znam, cilj mu je razvoj tehnologija, a ne masovna proizvodnja pa je svoje tvornice prodao GlobalFoundries 2015. i sad se sudski spore. Jedinu tvornicu koju ima je IBM Research semiconductor facility iu Albany, NY.




 Bravo, - mijenjaj naslov članaka - kupac otkriven - nije za proizvodni pogon, nego država New York u partnerstvu sa IBM, Micronom i dr. ulaže u razvojni centar, sve u cilju da USA bude br. 1 u ovoj tehnologiji (ništa vrtići, škole, treće dijete, zdravstveno, pomoć penzionerima  i sl.):


New York state announced a partnership with IBM, Micron, and other industry players to invest $10 billion into expanding the Albany NanoTech Complex with a new cutting-edge High NA EUV Center that will drive the next decade of semiconductor technology innovations.

This will be North America’s first and only publicly owned research and development center with a high-numerical aperture extreme ultraviolet lithography (High NA EUV) system.