NorthBlue uto 13.10.2020 00:38

Evo sad sam pročitao long term review sa gsmarene pa isječak iz display sekcije :

"The image quality of the display is impressive for a phone in this price range. The display isn't as well calibrated as the ones on the more expensive OnePlus 8 devices (our unit had a slight green cast) but it's something you'd only notice in side by side comparisons. Otherwise, the display looks pretty well-calibrated in the most accurate Natural setting."

I dalje :
"Like our OnePlus 8 unit, the OnePlus Nord display has an issue where the 90Hz mode looks a bit different than the 60Hz mode. The 60Hz mode is noticeably darker due to a higher gamma and it is mostly only noticeable when using the dark mode. In the early versions of the OS, the phone would dynamically switch from 90Hz to 60Hz when you stopped interacting with the display. This would cause a very obvious shift in the display's color tone as it became noticeably darker. In later software updates, OnePlus disabled the dynamic switching in dark mode, limiting it only to the aforementioned apps. It's much harder to notice the screen color changing when it happens during the transition animation of opening the app, so OnePlus mostly gets away with it. The dynamic switching still happens in light mode but as said before, it's much harder to notice it here.

OnePlus also likes to mess around with the screen gamma in the Phone and Messages app when using dark mode. If you drop your display brightness below 33% in either of these apps when using dark mode, the gamma curve of the display suddenly shifts up, causing the entire screen to appear darker. It's not clear if OnePlus is using this to conserve power or to make the screen appear easier on the eyes in the dark. Shifting the gamma does affect all colors on the screen but since it's the Messages and Phone app we are talking about here, it's not much of a concern. Of course, since this happens on a hardware level and not in software, you can't exactly show it through screenshots.

The early version of the Nord software also caused the display to decrease its brightness level inside certain apps to save power. However, OnePlus dropped that in later updates or at least reduced its intensity to the point where it's not noticeable."

I tu je full review :

zuper uto 27.10.2020 10:06

OP predstavio 2 nova modela jedan budget i jedan mid range.

Mislim da ovo razlog zašto je CEO nedavno otišao. On je htio da OnePlus ostane fokusiran na top modele, ali očito je firma pod čijem je vlasništvom OP imala druge ciljeve. Šteta, nekako sam mislio da je OP bio poseban sa 2-3 modela godišnje najjačih specifikacija, ali ovakvim razvodnjavanjem modela samo žele biti Samsung

pqweasdyxc uto 27.10.2020 10:19

Daleko je to od Samsunga po broju modela heheh. Ova 2 jača Nord modela imaju smisla. Flagship smoothness (zbog odlične optimizacije softvera) u pola cijene je super.

Ali ovaj n100 nema ni malo smisla jer je preskup i preslab.

zuper uto 27.10.2020 18:03
nike098 kaže...
N10 skuplji od xiaomi 10 lite, a ovaj ga u svemu dere

 Pa baš se ne bih složio. Navodno 690 proc malo brži od 765, veći senzor kamere, stereo zvučnici, microSD, 90Hz ekran (nekome možda bolji 60Hz amoled), brže punjenje i bolji softver. Sve to na strani OP. Xiaomi ima bolji build

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Kakva su vam očekivanja za nasljednika Norda (Nord SE) koji dolazi iduće godine sa navodno 65w punjenjem i baterijom od 4500 mah?

 Ja se nadam da će izbaciti manji model, nešto poput pixel 5 gabarita. Iako kad vidim najavljivanu bateriju teško, osim ako ne bude 12 mm debljine. 

 Meni je svejedno za bateriju, doduše najviše me vuče 65w punjenje i mogući pad cijene ako zadrže 765G procesor iduće godine.