FileFicho ned 25.3.2012 14:48

Možete li mi molim vas sljedeće reč. preoblikovati iz aktivnih u pasivne:


Doctor Sage has won the award this year.


The police will protect the award next year.


The bank will keep it in a safe.


Dr. Sage has taken the award to the bank.

softwaremaniac sub 31.3.2012 15:29
FileFicho kaže...

Možete li mi molim vas sljedeće reč. preoblikovati iz aktivnih u pasivne:


Doctor Sage has won the award this year.


The police will protect the award next year.


The bank will keep it in a safe.


Dr. Sage has taken the award to the bank.

The award has been won by Doctor Sage this year.

The award will be protected by the police next year.

It will be kept in a safe by the bank.

The award has been taken to the bank by Doctor Sage.