PC igre

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014

Tommy_123 čet 31.1.2013 19:16

Službena stranica Pro Evolution Soccera 2014.




Stiže nam kao i svake godine novi pes. Ovom će bit dodijeljen novi engine po imenu "Fox Engine".

Jon Murphy je potvrdio preko twittera da će bit novi PES2014 rađen na Fox engineu te da je impresivan :)


Kad će se saznat više informacija, slika, videa, sve će bit stavljeno ovdje.






PRE E3 SHOW 2013 



antimadridista pon 4.2.2013 18:18

upravo sam naletio na ovo, neke novosti koje će PES 2014 navodno sadržavati:

* New engine - FOX ENGINE. This engine will be built for xbox 360, ps3 and PC. It will also be adjusted for future consoles. (ovo smo već znali)
* In PES 2014 we will be able to choose from 3 uniforms just before the match. So 1. kit, 2. kit, and 3. kit.
* PES 2014 will have camera which we could all edit like we want to. Without any tools.
* Snow is back PES 2014.
* In PES 2014 we will be able to edit every part od jersey. Logos on shirt, socks, everything... without any tools.

ovo za dresove, samo još jedna od stvari koje je KONAMI imao u prošlosti, pa su bez razloga to makli da bi ponovno sad vraćali. Sjećate li se u PES-u 5, bilo je 3 dresa i čak si mogao kombinirati majicu sa donjim dijelom dresa kako hoćeš? to mi je bilo odlično i dobra stvar je što se vraća opet, samo mi nije jasno zašto takve stvari maknu iz igre pa ih opet vraćaju, ima nekoliko primjera toga. nadam se da će također vratiti ono kad počinješ Master ligu da možeš napraviti novi klub i sam raditi dresove, grbove i sve ostalo, vjerojatno će to i vratiti sudeći po ovome gore da će se dresovi moći uređivati kako hoćemo.

Tommy_123 pon 4.2.2013 18:34
antimadridista kaže...

upravo sam naletio na ovo, neke novosti koje će PES 2014 navodno sadržavati:

* New engine - FOX ENGINE. This engine will be built for xbox 360, ps3 and PC. It will also be adjusted for future consoles. (ovo smo već znali)
* In PES 2014 we will be able to choose from 3 uniforms just before the match. So 1. kit, 2. kit, and 3. kit.
* PES 2014 will have camera which we could all edit like we want to. Without any tools.
* Snow is back PES 2014.
* In PES 2014 we will be able to edit every part od jersey. Logos on shirt, socks, everything... without any tools.

ovo za dresove, samo još jedna od stvari koje je KONAMI imao u prošlosti, pa su bez razloga to makli da bi ponovno sad vraćali. Sjećate li se u PES-u 5, bilo je 3 dresa i čak si mogao kombinirati majicu sa donjim dijelom dresa kako hoćeš? to mi je bilo odlično i dobra stvar je što se vraća opet, samo mi nije jasno zašto takve stvari maknu iz igre pa ih opet vraćaju, ima nekoliko primjera toga. nadam se da će također vratiti ono kad počinješ Master ligu da možeš napraviti novi klub i sam raditi dresove, grbove i sve ostalo, vjerojatno će to i vratiti sudeći po ovome gore da će se dresovi moći uređivati kako hoćemo.

To je bilo super, ja sam si sam nike, adidas i ostale marke radio u editoru lol

TheDarkSide pon 4.2.2013 19:20

Ovo sve sam ja napisao u svojoj temi jos davno, za fox engine i ostalo... Kao rade ga vec 2 godine...samo ja neznam dal se engine moze sredit da bude top-noch u 2 godine...


Citao sam da i EA Sports ima isto velike planove za FIFU 14...Vjerovatno su i oni svjesni sta PES radi pa rade na "kontri"...vidit cemo kako ce PES ispast..i dal ce bit dovoljno dobar da me odvuce sa FIFE natrag na PES...Jer ovo sad..je daleko ispod FIFE realno gledano...i ne..ovo ne dolazi od nekog fifa fanboya...ja sam igrao PES do 2009 godine...PES mi je u srcu, al ovakav kakav je sad...daleko je od onog sta zelim i KONAMI ce se trebat JAKO potrudit da me vrati na svoj PES...al nadam se za dobrobit nogometa i konkurencije da ce im krenut bolje tako da se vise trude i jedni i drugi...

Tommy_123 uto 12.3.2013 15:14

PES Productions is aiming for photo-realism graphics wise, there's a close up of a player's face in the article showing very detailed skin texture and 3d model (see teaser). Kits will be seperated from players' models in PES 2014 which means they hang from the players and flow.

The ball control radius is 3 times bigger than in current gen to allow more dynamic off-ball tussles.

There's a new formation feature were you can set player's 'zones', defining instructions for players to follow in certain areas of the pitch.



  1. Barycentre Physics and Ball control

    The new engine allows for a larger separation between player and ball - three time the radius of PES 2013, where tight 'confrontation' zones are used to make tackling easier. A striker will be able to throw his body weight in one direction and use his opposing foot to push the ball in the other way, leaving defenders off balance and buying space for a pass or shot.
    You'll be able to control your player's weight shifts at all times and use practice touches to push the ball away from your feet. We see a wireframe demo with more natural animations and fluid transitions than FIFA 13. You control the player and the physics drives the animation, not vice versa. It's hard to tell how this will transform the 'feel' of play, rather than just being admirable behind the scenes calculations, but there appears to be scope for a radical new control scheme - think of how Skate's right-stick motions mimicked real-life movements by exploiting dynamic physics, and how they compared to the digital button taps of Tony Hawks Pro Skater. This could be a revelation in football game control.

  2. Contact and Physicality

    Konami has pinpointed this as a weakness in previous games, but now players can jostle for space - even without the ball present - for headers at corners, or to dominate a smaller opponent.
    You'll be able to tug shirts (cloth is now separate from the player's body and stretches) as well as elbow for room on the touchline. It works in tandem with the physics and precision control. Agile players can unbalance defenders with dropped shoulders or ball skills, and push the ball further ahead to exploit their acceleration. "Previously, body feints were more aesthetic," admits Masuda. "Now they're a key tactic."

  3. Squad Emulator

    Formations remain essential for success, but now you can set 'zones of play' so your key players focus on certain tactics in mission-critical areas. For example, you can set your front line to focus on possession and probing for gaps in from of a deep-lying defence. In theory, you'll be able to recognise your favourite teams pattern of play within a few minutes. The emphasis on defending and shape should allow weaker teams to create effective strategies, such as when Celtic beat Barcelona in the Champions League by defending deep, buoyed up by the home crowd.


movie čet 14.3.2013 21:24

Očekujem da će novi PES 2014 bar donekle dostići FIFU 13 i pokazati kakav takav napredak u serijalu jer će inače pasti u totalni zaborav. Nakon ovogodišnjeg prodajnog debakla svaki pomak na bolje bit će dobrodošao..

ph3nom_gamer čet 28.3.2013 21:56

Ovaj Fox engine je strašan komad softwera. Grafički izgleda odlično! Koristi će ga i novi Metal gear solid. Ako niste vidjeli kako to izgleda, ispod imate link:




Jedva čekam da vidim kako će PES izgledati na njemu. Kao što ste gore naveli, fizika se mora poboljšati. Nadam se da će na tom dijelu uraditi dobar posao.


Bilo bi fora kada bi uveli i nekakav weather sistem. Da naprimjer odjednom krene kiša padat, pa teren promjeni svoja svojstva, postane natopljen vodom ili blatan što onda utječe i na fiziku lopte... To svake godine očekujem ali nikako da doživim :D

Tommy_123 čet 28.3.2013 22:27

Bit će ti ista stvar kao s Sniper Ghost warrior 2 koji koristi modificirani CryEngine3.



Q: You’ve started talking about the new PES engine, can you explain the origins of development and how PES will develop?

A: As you may have read, the graphics engine is a result of our collaboration with Kojima Productions and uses elements of Fox engine. However, we’re making a very different product and so the PES Productions team had to come up with major new physics and AI models. Each of these areas are massive improvements for the series and will take us much further than any other sports title.

Q: How will PES2014 benefit from the new engine?

A: We’ll go into specific product details shortly. The future of PES is very exciting. However, contrary to what you might have read on the internet, we have said nothing about PES2014. You should also know we haven’t said anything at all about the next generation of console platforms. As I said, both topics will be covered shortly so please keep an eye on official announcements.

Q: If you haven’t announced PES2014 yet or talked about next gen platforms, where have the current crop of materials come from?

A: Everything we’ve demonstrated up until now is based on current gen technology using the new PES engine. We really believe it’s important to deliver an amazing experience on machines that most of our fans own. We will not be faking materials. This is what PES really will deliver and it’s so much more than just a better graphical experience.

Q: What about new formats, not just next gen consoles. Are the PES Productions team working on future plans?

A: The new engine has been developed to be used across whichever platforms we choose. Obviously we’ll be listening to which devices our fans want to use, but rest assured the new engine is extremely flexible and very powerful.


The new Fox Engine is set to completely redefine the way PES looks and feels. What information can you give to our community on the new system?

The new engine is built from Fox Engine, not using it entirely. It has been detailed extensively in Edge magazine too, so I’m hopeful users will be able get more details from the magazine.


Tommy_123 čet 18.4.2013 17:09

Pes2014 kupio licencu za 'Azijsku ligu prvaka'


“The Asian Football Confederation’s marketing division has successfully finalised a deal with the Japanese (digital) company Konami to bring the AFC Champions League to the PlayStation.

The final signatures will take place over the coming days in the Emirate of Dubai with the presence of the vice-president of the AFC Yousef Al-Serkal and Dr. Hafez Al-Medlej the head of marketing at the AFC, and from Konami the Chairman and the Head of Marketing.

The deal comes with the growing following of the AFC Champions League and the expansion of the competition between unions that fall under the banner of the AFC Champions League Asia, which will open the field to expand the base of participation in the AFC Champions League during the period from 2014 until 2016, by raising the number of participating countries from 10 countries to 23 countries, according to the classification of the AFC football in accordance with the decision of the Executive Office of the Union, which was held in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, headed by acting AFC head of operations Ji Long on Wednesday, 12/03/2013.”

antimadridista sri 24.4.2013 18:30



posebno mi se sviđa ovo:


"Konami aims to create more realistic experience, using untapped factors including home crowds, mental strength and advanced tactics. Make a crunching last-ditch tackle, say, and It will motivate your team - resulting in more aggresive of-the-ball runs or crisper passing. Effects will be regionalised: UK crowd relish up-and-at them physical contact, while Brazilian fans might go wild for a nutmeg".


oduvijek me zanimalo kako će ovakve stvari funkcionirati u igri, baš me zanima kako će to napraviti, samo se nadam da neće biti skriptirano...

KODAK17 pon 29.4.2013 15:42

Ja mislim da su "Đipanci" ovaj put napravili drasticne promjene i uvjeren sam da nas ceka nešto do sada neviđeno...drzim fige i nadam se da ce PES 2014 vratiti vjeru svim ljubiteljima virtualnog nogometa...s nestrpljenjem cekam prve detaljnije informacije popraceno nekim videom ili slikama. 

sgptzu uto 30.4.2013 05:46

Evo ja opet igram pes 13 i ne mogu vjerovati kako su lose uradili atmosferu na stadionima. zvizduci,bubnjevi bas zaboli glava od toga. nema veze sa realnoscu ili je to sa japanskih stadiona. kao da me neko pleme otelo pa udaraju od bubnjeve uz urlikanje{#} nadam se da ce to na pes 14 biti potpuno drugacije i da ces osjetiti taj naboj utakmice lige prvaka{#}

Hexfire uto 30.4.2013 09:59

Puno toga dobroga se tu spominje i nadam se da će imati hrabrosti unijeti tako drastične promjene. EA je imao hrabrosti sa fifom 12 unjeti nešto novo u žanr i pogodio. Konami već dugo obećava drugačiju igru, a nikad ništa od toga. Iskreno se nadam da sad napokon bude nešto jer im je vjerojatno zadnja šansa. Kamo bolje za sve da novi PES pomete pod sa fifom u samom gameplayu i atmosferi pa da i EA mora ponovno zasukati rukave za fifu 15.


EDIT: Ono što mi je zabrinjavajuće je što taj novi engine stiže i na konzole ove generacije, a za PES 13 su pričali kako su limitirani starim konzolama i da zbog toga neće prelaziti na novi engine do PS4/XBOX720. E sad, ili su nekim čudom uspjeli prilagoditi engine da izgleda i radi kako spada ili su i sami shvatili da im gori pod petama i pokušavaju nešto na silu. Zadnjih godina PES me naučio da je najbolje ne očekivati baš ništa pa me možda uspije iznenaditi pozitivnim promjenama, ako će ih biti. 

Mattix uto 14.5.2013 19:21
TheDarkSide kaže...

Ovo sve sam ja napisao u svojoj temi jos davno, za fox engine i ostalo... Kao rade ga vec 2 godine...samo ja neznam dal se engine moze sredit da bude top-noch u 2 godine...


Citao sam da i EA Sports ima isto velike planove za FIFU 14...Vjerovatno su i oni svjesni sta PES radi pa rade na "kontri"...vidit cemo kako ce PES ispast..i dal ce bit dovoljno dobar da me odvuce sa FIFE natrag na PES...Jer ovo sad..je daleko ispod FIFE realno gledano...i ne..ovo ne dolazi od nekog fifa fanboya...ja sam igrao PES do 2009 godine...PES mi je u srcu, al ovakav kakav je sad...daleko je od onog sta zelim i KONAMI ce se trebat JAKO potrudit da me vrati na svoj PES...al nadam se za dobrobit nogometa i konkurencije da ce im krenut bolje tako da se vise trude i jedni i drugi...

Točno to! I ja sam također počeo s PES-om ali kad sam vidio FIFU (bila je to FIFA 2009 na PS3) uglavnom sam nju igrao jer me PES više ničim nije privlačio.

Tommy_123 uto 14.5.2013 21:12

Nadam se da neće bit neki Bogovski zahtjevi tipa Battlefield 3 ili Metro Last Night, neka bude tipa fife. Čuo sam da će bit dosta prilagođen pesu i da će koristit samo neke elemente. Već sam napisao gore, nešto tipa Sniper Ghost Warriora.



The new Fox Engine is set to completely redefine the way PES looks and feels. What information can you give to our community on the new system?

The new engine is built from Fox Engine, not using it entirely. It has been detailed extensively in Edge magazine too, so I’m hopeful users will be able get more details from the magazine.


Tommy_123 sri 22.5.2013 01:10

Samo se nadam da neće bit slična stvar kad je u fifi bio implementiran player impact engine u fifi12. Sve puno bugova i ostalih sranja. Makar morali duže čekat, ali nek bude dobra i ispolirana verzija vani

Hexfire sri 22.5.2013 08:54
Tommy_123 kaže...

Samo se nadam da neće bit slična stvar kad je u fifi bio implementiran player impact engine u fifi12. Sve puno bugova i ostalih sranja. Makar morali duže čekat, ali nek bude dobra i ispolirana verzija vani

Reci ti šta hoćeš, ali Impact engine je uz sve probleme bio jedan od razloga zašto je FIFA preuzela vrh, a PES postao marginalna igra za koju nikog nije briga. Kakvo duže čekanje? Pa ne može si Konami priuštiti da čeka tko zna koliko duže od EA sportsa sa izdavanjem igre. Samo im fali da čekaju pa ih EA ubije i sa FIFA 14 na starom engineu i sa verzijom na novom engineu.


Kod svakog prelaska na novi engine dolazi do manjih ili većih problema dok se sami developeri ne uhodaju kak spada. Bolje je da PES izađe sa nečim novim i napokon zanimljivim, pa makar i ne radilo 100% kako spada, nego nam opet servirati isto smeće kao zadnjih godina.


Bilo kako bilo, ove godine prelazim na PES, ali ako napokon ne pokažu muda i volju da se vrate na vrh, bome tu neću ostati.