PC igre

NFS: Shift - MOD-ovi

doktor1 uto 6.10.2009 09:30



Pošto će SMS izbaciti Modding Tool za Shift te nas čeka dosta modova evo teme za stavljanje istih.


OBAVEZNO prije instalacije MOD-a napravite backup file-ova da posle nebi bilo "nisam znao" ili "nigdje ne piše".



Need For Speed: SHIFT


-službene stranice



Need For Speed Shift Patch


-prvi patch za igru




Prepare NFS:Shift for modding by unpacking all .bff files


- upute za instalaciju nekih modova -

    - kako "otpakirati" (unpack) file-ove -


NFS Shift unpack tools

- alat potreban za "otpakiravajne" (unpack) file-ova -





Need For Speed Shift - Real Mod v2.0


NEW TIRES MODEL: entirely rewritten models for all the cars with three separate “slip curves”.

NEW AI MODEL: more competitive, less aggressive, and make fewer mistakes.

NEW CHASSIS MODEL: all data from the chassis of all the cars now are correct.

NEW COCKPIT CAM: now it’s like a real “onboard camera”.

NEW TRACK SURFACES: all the surfaces are now correct.(same as 1.0)



Need For Speed Shift Simulation SK MOD V2.7


Realistic Grip and physics !
Improved physics tick rate !
Correct center of gravity !
Fixed Stupid AI !
Removed all blur !
Removed Bloom ! (thnx to someone else which released the file for each track) bloom mod yodastar
Fixed G25 Controller ! (no more steer LAG !!!) and good direct ffb feeling
Correct kerbstone feeling now ! (not just rumble)
Better Feeling of the car
Correct steering ! although ingame graphics wont show enaf turn
No Repacking



Need For Speed Shift - Track Objects Removal Mod


The mod removes fictional billboards, balloons, circus tents, graffitis and everything else that gave the tracks a rather arcadish look.



Need For Speed Shift - No Bloom Mod


Need for Speed Shift’s look to more realism by turning off the game’s bloom effect, while the game’s HDR effect stays enabled.



Need For Speed Shift - Damage Mod


The mod will enable gearbox, engine and tire damage for enhanched realism. Furthermore, sharp objects will now play a part on car impacts and tires can fall off.



High Resolution skin for the BMW M3 GT2


You have to use the unpack method for your Shift folder. Go here for further information:


Make a Backup of the original files in your Shift-root-folder\vehicles\textures

Installation: Copy the included folder into your Shift root folder.



FXMOD for Shift that improves graphics quality.


-------------------------------v2.00 FOR HIGH END COMPUTERS!!!---------------------------


Installation is done by replacing Shift original files with modified files. make sure to do a backup despite the original Shift files included as a security measure.




(-loose method installation required) Just drag and drop each folder into your Shift game folder. Dont forget to backup your data before installing mod.




"cameras" folder
Contains global LOD setting for all camera views to increase draw distance by a factor of 3x.. Increased detail for objects at distance, vegetation, mapping, shadow draw distance, environment mapping distance, car detail, driver detail and distant buildings/clutter etc.
It also has modified value for clipping distance to 2-2.5x to be able to see buildings far way and detail (good test point is London track bridge to left and right view).


"effects" folder

Allows 2-4x amount of particles to be present, some effects like tire smoke and wheelarch smoke has increase particle count for smoke effect aswell as some other effects. This creates a nice volume effect. Also increases grass draw distance to 2x.

"render" folder

Shader modification to increase SSAO use distance by 4x (100 -> 400) and increased quality sampling. Also enables developer experimental environment mapping with parallax support for better looking reflections.



"Instant Car Control" - for Shift that gives instant control of car in timeattack etc.


-----------------------v1.00 Instant car control (timeattack mode etc)----


(-loose method installation required) Just drag and drop each folder into your Shift game folder. Dont forget to backup your data before installing mod.


Gives you instant control of your car in timeattack and similar type of racing modes that are not 'start light races'. Also removes the 3-2-1 counter for these types of races.




Ukoliko želite jači AI treba napraviti sljedeće


otvoriti physicstweaker.xml

i promjeniti




<prop name="ai brake power" data="0.85" />
<prop name="ai brake grip" data="0.5" />
<prop name="ai corner grip" data="0.5" />




<prop name="ai brake power" data="1.0" />
<prop name="ai brake grip" data="1.0" />
<prop name="ai corner grip" data="1.0" />


-brojeve možete prmjeniti u bilo koji broj; znači ne mora biti "<prop name="ai brake power" data="1.0" />" već može i "<prop name="ai brake power" data="0.90" />


*preuzeto sa Nogrip foruma





Na primjer;

Real Mod v2.0 i Simulation SK v2.6 MOD ne trebaju biti istovremeno instalirani. Svaki je zaseban i po mnogima, (kao i meni) SK v2.7 je mnogo napredniji i "realniji" mod naspram RM v2.0 (naravno ovo je subjektivno i nekim će možda više odgovarat RM v2.0)


Zdravko uto 6.10.2009 13:31

to mi baš nije jasno,kopirao sam ona 4 file u folder gdje je instalirana igra i pokrenio to otpakiravanje koje je trajalo skoro sat vremene.

Jel se tako to radi?



...onda sam kopirao iz foldera "Need for Speed SHIFT" kojeg sam skinio u folder gdje je instalirana igra,dalje ne znam...


...to sa tim dodavanjem "-loose" nisam skužio,pokušat ću sad ponovo nešto.



EDIT; IGRA RADI!!! hvala

doktor1 uto 6.10.2009 13:36

Da. onda prebaciš file-ove iz moda u NFS Folder i zamjeniš ih. Te dodaš ovo u shortcut ....Need for Speed SHIFT\shift.exe" -loose

Ako si prije stavljao modove i nakon toga tek otpakiro igru postoji velika vjerovatnost da neće radit. Znači preporuča se otpakiravanje na svježu instalaciju




Upravo sam malo kombinirao sa modovima i dobio sam rezultat koji mi je najbolji.

A to je:

-najprije sam instaliro Need For Speed Shift Simulation SK MOD V2.7, te preko njega Need For Speed Shift - Real Mod v2.0 s time da ai Folder nisam mjenjao nego ostavio od prvog moda (Need For Speed Shift Simulation SK MOD V2.7). Najbolja kombinacija po mom mišljenju


i jedan video sa tom fizikom



benko pet 9.10.2009 18:04

instaliro Need For Speed Shift Simulation SK MOD V2.7 te FXMOD.

Sve super, grafika bolesna(ali i zahtjevna) fizika vrhunska ali nema otpadnja kotaca, nemoze riknut getriba, nemogu se potrosit gume..dali mogu zveknut na ova 2 moda jos i Need For Speed Shift - Damage Mod??


benko pet 9.10.2009 18:08
doktor1 kaže...

Možeš. I stavi još Real MOD v2.0 preko svega (samo nemoj ai folder stavljat od tog moda)

 znaci necu izgubit stari mod?


btw ai je znatno pametniji ne u smislu da me dobiva nego puuno ih je teze prec na pocetku uvijek zauzimaju dobre putanje :)


evo stavio, medutim PHYSICSBOOTFLOW.bff nije overwriteao...

doktor1 uto 13.10.2009 08:51

Need For Speed Shift Pro Career Mod


Changes by this mod include changes to the race length by factor five, getting rid of the very short two-lap events. The required points to level up have also been increased by the same factor to suit the new race length, the prize money awarded for new levels has been decreased to further slow down the career mode and make it more rewarding.

Xupeko points out that this mod is meant to be used with Dario Morelli Real MOD 2.0b, installation is as simple as overwriting some files.



benko uto 13.10.2009 08:59

stavi i taj mod u 1. post ;) btw ai mi je pre slab, eh sad ako zveknem onaj mod za pojacanje ai-a bojim se da ce bit pretesko, dali se moze nekako preciznije regulirat ai, nes kao postoci u gtr-u?

doktor1 sri 2.12.2009 18:14

Izašao je Need For Speed SHIFT DLC pack i patch 1.2


***patch radi samo na friško instaliranu verziju SHIFT-a (bez unpacka i raznih modova)



Novi auti na raspolaganju:

* 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
* 1967 Shelby GT 500
* 1969 Dodge Charger R/T
* 1971 Dodge Challenger R/T
* 1998 Toyota Supra Mark IV



- General game stability and performance improvements
- Improved car handling
- Fix for issue where some cars would bounce on their suspension during high load situations
- Fix for grass sometimes being displayed out of position
- Fix for intermittent incorrect driver duel results
- Fix for inverted balance slider operation
- Fix for online wins and losses occasionally being calculated incorrectly for drift races
- Fixed issue where loaned career car would inherit the player’s career car tuning settings
- Fixed various usability issues with the advanced tuning screens
- Fixed lap timing for first lap of rolling start events
- Fixed car tuning settings sometimes not taking effect
- Fix to prevent rewinding past the start of instant replays
- Fixed car livery occasionally appearing all white during driver duel events
- Fixed incorrect screens being shown when player is disqualified
- Fix for occasional invisible opponents appearing during online drift events
- Fix for intermittent hang when skipping quickly through post-race screens
- Fix for intermittent hang when pressing X repeatedly in My Cars screen
- Fix for missing race groove on point-to-point tracks
- Prevented car livery resetting to default after an online race
- Fix for advanced tuning not staying unlocked on reload
- Fixed invitational event cars getting their setups corrupted and becoming undrivable (e.g. Veryon and Carrera GT)
- Fix for Lamborghini’s having a low top speed when upgraded
- Fix for Corvette Z06 and Dodge Viper not able to move at the start of some events
- Fix for some upgraded AI cars bottoming out causing some instability over bumps
- Fix upgrade menu bug
- Fix for a force feedback strength settings save bug
- Fix multi-player settings for AI opponents and drift mode
- Fix for vinyls being incorrectly applied on rear wing
- Fix for a hang in lobby when accessing friend’s list from car select
- Fix for profile load bug which skips save select menu when holding down Enter key
- Fix for jumping body parts when car resets


- Improved ATi graphics card support
- Improved dynamic vertex buffer usage (performance optimization on all PCs)
- Fixed crashes on certain PC configurations when changing shadow settings
- Fixed intermittent crash during first lap of races on certain PC configurations
- Disabled forced dampening for custom wheel presets on PC
- Optimized multi-GPU PC operation
- Fix for intermittent missing surface sounds on certain PC configurations
- Fix for intermittent black skies
- Fix for LAN menu hang for client when host quickly returns to main menu

mtopol čet 3.12.2009 00:56

Ludilo, dobio sam uzasan BOOST u performansama od 30 FPS-a na svojoj HD4850, FPS mi nepada ispod 50 , prije mi je na startu kad je puno auta znao past na 25FPS, sad nepada ispod 50 , igram na rezoluciji 1280x1024 8xAA, 16xAF, sve na HIGH, FPS varira od minimalnih 50 do max 110, prije je bilo od min 25 do max 60 ... svakako preporucam ovaj patch 1.02 svim vlasnicima ATI kartica.

doktor1 čet 3.12.2009 10:57

Koliko sam čitao modovi mogu ići gore (ljudi su stavljali samo verzije modova uz koje ne treba raditi unpack igre), ali po meni nisu potrebni jer AI i vozni model funkcioniraju deset puta bolje!! A zvukovi i ponašanje ovih "staraca" su odlični!

FlyBoy čet 3.12.2009 17:07
doktor1 kaže...

Koliko sam čitao modovi mogu ići gore (ljudi su stavljali samo verzije modova uz koje ne treba raditi unpack igre), ali po meni nisu potrebni jer AI i vozni model funkcioniraju deset puta bolje!! A zvukovi i ponašanje ovih "staraca" su odlični!

Sad, nisam slušao savjete drugih, pa sam išao isntalirati patch na odpakiranu verziju, modanu.

Patch je normalno instaliran, čak i kad uđem u igru osjetim drastični porast performansi (do 110 FPS-a na max) ali ne mogu naći nove aute.

Tražio sam u quick race, ali nema ih. Jesam na krivom mjestu tražio, ili ipak trebam reinstal pa nanova patchirat.

doktor1 čet 3.12.2009 17:53

Ha, definitivno se preporuča čista instalacija (a ja mislim da se pod tim pogotovo misli na modane i otpakirane verzije).

Kada odem na quick race, auti se nalaze pod stock car (slika1), a u garaži pod tier 2 (slika2)

doktor1 čet 3.12.2009 18:19
Fake_Alert kaže...

Ja nemrem to instalirat..Kliknem da se upali i na milisekund vidim da bi se trebalo extraktat al to traje tako kratko da jedva okom vidis i prekine se :(

Onda radiš nešto krivo. Jesi reinstaliro igru? Pathcevi rade i na originalu i na piratu.

Fake_Alert čet 3.12.2009 18:19
doktor1 kaže...
Fake_Alert kaže...

Ja nemrem to instalirat..Kliknem da se upali i na milisekund vidim da bi se trebalo extraktat al to traje tako kratko da jedva okom vidis i prekine se :(

Onda radiš nešto krivo. Jesi reinstaliro igru? Pathcevi rade i na originalu i na piratu.

Instalirana igra prije 2 dana i crackao i neam nijedan mod i nece da se instalira :(