Sint1 sri 5.6.2013 17:31

Sinoc su mi radili bez problema danas nikako, valjda ce ispravti te pocetnicke greske. Uglavnom pocetak je vrlo vrlo obecavajuci. Inace sam veliki mrzitelj svih oblika mmo-a, ali ovo mi se jako svidilo. Vidit cemo kako ce se dalje prica s njima odvijati, ne bi se iznenadio da nakon par dana potpuno promjenim misljenje.

thechosenfreak pon 10.6.2013 22:59

Jel igra netko? Nemam srece bas u igri sa dropovima. Zasad samo dva heroja dobio (thing i storm) i jedan respec. Ali storm mi zasad odgovara :) Ali vidim da je igra suplja generalno. Cim se prede 24-25 lvl nema se sta raditi osim grind. Mislim da njima fali jos dosta sadrzaja, odnosno poglavlja. Da ne govorim endgame koji je malo disbalansiran zbog dropova koji vam trebaju, a ne dobijate ih samo tako.


Vjerujem da je igra treala izaci na jesen-zimu prema dosad videnom. Ali ima potencijala.

Chdtf sub 14.6.2014 19:00

Probao unatoč prilično negativnim user reviewima, igra je smeće, 30gb smeća, nemogu vjerojvati sta sam vidio u toj igri, animacije? Nepostoje animacije, razgovori? Draga majko dodjes do lika pukne ti screen texta i procita tri riječi. Igra se MASIVNO oslanja na novac inače zaboravite bilo kakvu ugodnost igranja. Trebao sam poslušati lika koji ima 1340 sati igre - eo njegov review:

1,340.5 hrs on record

Don't buy into the rebranding of this game. Though I initially enjoyed it, I can no longer recommend it as it is a clear-cut poster child for everything that is wrong with the F2P model. In the course of the year that this game has been live there has been barely any content released for it in the form of levels or increasing the game expereince. However, there has been an unprecedent amount of contest released into the cash shop.

The entirety of the game's story mode can be completed in about 3-4 hours. Anything beyond this is an endless exercise in grind and scavenging for loot. This game was created by David Brevik, who created Diablo and is evidence by the fact that game is exactly like Diablo in every way, save the setting. Beyond the story mode, there is not much else to the game. There are two "survival" modes, a series of copypasted "instances" and another free-for-all zone which is also copypasted from a story mode map. A WoW-style Raid was recently added, but the difficulty is off the charts and is essentially barred to anyone but the highest geared individuals in like minded supergroups. (I.E. guilds)

The game is essentially a cash trap, the developers have no interest in improving it beyond that, despite their constant disingenous claims to the contrary. Players who are critical of their business model and practices, regardless of how constructive they are, will be met with harassment and ostracization from the moderators and community alike. To further that point, the sycophantic nature of the MH community is the reason Gazillion gets away with this behavior. Much of their player base is spending lavish amounts of money and heaping cult-like praise upon the developers despite their inherently lazy efforts and obvious attempts to silence criticisms.

This game is a tarpit trap that attempts to keep you interested with log-in gifts and promises of better things that are never fulfilled. It is a waste of both your time and your money. Do not be fooled by the Marvel name, it's not worthy of that monicker.

In Short: AVOID

Skullscar1989 pet 30.10.2015 01:26

stara tema ali me zanimalo dali netko igra?


ukratko, igra nije p2w kako stoji u zadnjem postu ovdje. platiš ako hoćeš otključati nove likove umjesto sakupljanja splintera koji padaju ubijanjem neprijatelja.

trenutno je 51 heroj u igri a uskoro dolazi i blade. svi likovi sakupljaju gear, taj gear se nadograđuje sa drugim itemima koje isto sakupljate. baš kao u svim igrama i ova se bazira na "igraj i farmaj". meni je igra solidna i zanimljiva jer volim marvel.

u igri je trenutno 9 story chaptera (od doom castle, asgarda, x-mansion itd) i u svakom trenutku se možete vratiti gdje god želite, postoje green-red-cosmic terminali sa instancama i bosovima u njima, postoje raidovi i kao što sam već rekao, farmaju se stvari kao u svakoj igri. 

novcem se primarno kupuju kostimi za heroje bez kojih se itekako može.


no eto, zanima me jel ima netko tko igra? napišite nick ovdje