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Gmailovac ned 6.2.2011 13:11
Captain.Price kaže...

Kod mene izašo error :P


I meni isto greška...šta je ovoooooooo kompjuter mi se pretvara u aliena...moram zvat ljude u crnom da ga unište.

blacko ned 6.2.2011 13:16

Isto error, W7 x86.


Alternativa je Control Panel>Speech Recognition>Text to Speech>Microsoft Anna, Sam, Pero, Mato :))



    edit: nakon zamjene navodnika radi.

hrvatskafarkasevec ned 6.2.2011 13:33

James: Lets see...are you a boy, or a girl?

James: It's a boy. A BOY!!!!!!!!! We've got a son Catherine. A beautiful, healthy baby boy.

Catherine: Oh James. We did it! A son.

James: You've got a bright future ahead of you, son. I'm sure of it.

James: Look at you. Hi there. I'm your daddy, little guy. DADDY!

James: You're going to need a name huh? Your mother and I have been talking. What do you think about...

Player: Asshole

James: That's a good name. Fits you perfectly.