movie pet 15.7.2011 19:39
Riker kaže...
Penryn kaže...

Ah, kako podsjeća na staru X800 Pro IceQ. {#}

Imao sam takvu! Ostala mi je lijepa uspomena na nju {#} Meni dragi komad hardvera.



Pored nje nisi trebao paliti radio.  Rondala je do bola ...

Brega55 pet 15.7.2011 20:31
Ranko Kukumar kaže...
Penryn kaže...

Ah, kako podsjeća na staru X800 Pro IceQ. {#}

  Yep super kartica, samo je imala velikih minus naspram konkurencije (nvidije) zbog ne podrške za Shaderski model verzije 3.0


Kad se samo sjetim radeon x serije...

Jos uvijek cuvam doma staru x300 sa 128mb DDR1 memorije {#}

fan ned 17.7.2011 12:41


Iako veoma slične kartice, wrong...


A što se samog članka tiče, again sth wrong, no na to smo več navikli, svejedno hvala na skretanju pažnje u moru informacija... :)


"HIS have brought out the HD 6970 IceQ MIX, which is just like your usual 6970 but with some added extras. We firstly get a card with the IceQ cooler that we're all familiar with, but with a few tweaks in regards to the design and copper heatpipe functionality, though this isn't the main point of this card.


The main aspect all comes down to the "MIX" part of it. HIS have created this card with Eyefinity users in mind who don't want to spend mass amounts of money on expensive DisplayPort monitors but instead have the use of DVI and HDMI to power their triple screen setup.


MIX also applies to a new technology that HIS have implemented to CrossSLI or SLIFire (which do you prefer?) making use of the LucidLogix technology, enabling users to mix an AMD and Nvidia based graphics card together, giving the user the best performance and features from both competing brands."



Budget Eyefinity, like ^^

